The Campbell Academy Blog

Financial education from Gerry

Written by Colin Campbell | 09/05/21 17:00

Gerry Cinnamon has quite a following now and polarises option. 

Many intellectual cultural snobs within Scotland at least don’t like him but there is a vast following of fans now, who are picking up his message in his music, a little bit like what happened to Noel and Liam Gallagher all those years ago. 

The thing I like about Gerry Cinnamon is first when you watch him, it’s like he can’t believe he’s famous and there is something magical and endearing about that. Secondly though, he is a poet, without question and has the ability to put into rhyming words and song and verse complicated concepts in a particularly easy fashion. 

One of my favourite lines is this “making money ’til there’s no time left to spend. It’s all b*llsh*t but we all still pretend”. 

And so, the financial education from Gerry is about the difference between being financially independent and being independent of finance and I’ve explained this several times in my writings in these pages but many of my conversations over the past 10 days have been about those subjects and culminated in a discussion the other night with Rosie in the kitchen from Alison and I. 

Almost everyone seeks to work for financial independence, hoping that they will make ‘enough’ money to be happy or content or to be able to stop or to reach the promised land. 

The difficulty with chasing financial independence is that it is a mirage which constantly disappears over the horizon as you approach it. 

The antithesis is independent of finance. 

I have not met so many people who have achieved this state of mind but a state of mind it is. 

I can think of one in particular though and to be independent of finance is to have ‘enough’. 

Enough that you don’t have to chase other people for money. Enough that you don’t have to try to swim while other people strike deals or leverage a profit or count. 

It does not mean that you have more than enough. 

It does not mean that you have so much money you don’t know what to do with it or don’t know how much money you have. 

It means that money is not your master, it is your servant and it means that you understand that just because the person who lives next door has a bigger car or a bigger house they are not better than you or more worthy than you or happier than you or more content than you or more entitled to anything else than you. 

The problem with trying to achieve a state of independent of finance is that almost the whole world is too busy running a hamster wheel, trying to find their financial independence. 

Gerry is right. 

It is all b*llsh*t and almost everybody pretends. 

When you come across people who don’t pretend and who might understand the difference between both of those states, hold onto them tight because they are very precious indeed. 


Blog Post Number - 2729