The Campbell Academy Blog

Fashionable Leadership

Written by Colin Campbell | 16/03/18 18:00

It seems to me that leadership has become a little bit like entrepreneurship was some years ago.

Back then everyone wanted to be an ‘entrepreneur’, it was in songs on the radio, in the newspapers, on all sorts of media.

Now it seems that that’s been substituted by being a leader.

Perhaps it seems that being a leader is more socially acceptable than the 1990’s Harry Enfield style of entrepreneurship.

This swing towards leadership has crystallised in my life by the fact that I have been asked to speak this year 4 times so far on the subject of leadership.

A bizarre phenomenon because I have never trained in any way in that subject until this year.

So, this year I enrolled and now half way through a level 7 course on Leadership and Management which covers all aspects of leadership including change management, leadership styles, team building, financial leadership, strategic human resources and strategic planning.

It’s back to the old ‘knowing what and knowing how’ though. You can learn all the theory you want around leadership, and god knows there are books as big as your head, but that doesn’t mean you know how to do it.

The concept of leadership and leadership training is confusing me a great deal because like all of these things it seems to me relatively simple, but there seems to be an industry around it that likes to complicate it.

Leadership, to me, is example setting and then living the example.

That can be any way you want.

If you want to ‘rule’ people by electrocuting them with a cattle prod then do that and show the people beneath you that it’s alright to cattle prod the people beneath them. That is leadership.

It’s not a style of leadership which I am happy to subscribe to but it is leadership in itself.

Leadership is setting an example and attracting a tribe of people to your group, walking your talk, inspiring, supporting and protecting that group of people.

In turn, the group protects you because the protection that you give to them only exists while you’re in fact protected; that is the circle of leadership complete.

On another note about leadership though, it seems in dentistry we are pretty short of what I would suggest would be good role models and leaders.

You might find that yourself too.

If you’re struggling to find a leader and you look about for someone whose flag to run to, or whose banner to flock to and you cannot see them, it’s probably because it’s you.

We need you to stand up, every day, little by little. You’re the leader we’re looking for.


Blog post number: 1583