The Campbell Academy Blog

Fascination without fear

Written by Colin Campbell | 11/01/21 18:00

“Oh when no ones yet explained to me exactly what’s so great

about slaving 50 years away on something that you hate

Look I’m meekly shuffling down the path of mediocrity

Well if that’s your road then take it but it’s not the road for me." - Frank Turner 

When things get hard, when the Sunday night feeling about going back to work extends to a Saturday morning and when going into work in the dark and in the winter feels a lot worse than hiding under the duvet, I always try to return to fascination.

The fascination of the story of the individuals that you meet.

The fascination of the work that you do, however mundane it might seem will always be better if you look with a child’s view.

I checked my list today before I came in, to see the patients that I was going to see and on the face of it; it was a routine mechanical day, uncovering some implants, diagnostics for further cases, reviews and discussions.

To look at each patient with fascination though and to pay them attention and to ask them if they’re ok and if there is anything else that they need; generates the most fantastic conversations and discussions and interest.

It’s never boring unless you let it be boring.

Time for all of us, I think, to do what we love (which for most of us is almost impossible) or to learn to love what we do.


Blog Post Number - 2611