The Campbell Academy Blog

Eyeball Tacks

Written by Colin Campbell | 12/01/20 18:00

Behind every app or social media platform is a thousand or a hundred thousand people with fishing rods trying to pull you in.

In its simplest form, the only way that apps make money is by having your eyes upon them.

The more time you use them, the more money they make.

The story behind You Tube’s chase to a billions of viewers per hour, per day is fascinating.

Think about that for a minute.

A billion hours a day.

Anything that you are engaging in on an electrical device is designed to keep you on the device to make money.

That set, there are no exclusions to this.

Gmail is free, because Gmail sucks you into Google.

Outlook is free, because it sucks you into Microsoft.

Don’t get me started on Facebook.

Then there are the hidden social media platforms, the ones like Strava for cyclists and runners, where it just pulls you in and will not let you go away as you look to see who’s looked at your latest training session.

Your time is their money.

The more time you spend, the more money they get.

How much is your life worth?

Perhaps worth thinking about that and deleting some of the apps from your phone.


Blog Post Number - 2244