The Campbell Academy Blog

Down the slippery pole

Written by Colin Campbell | 16/07/20 17:00

In times of a recession or difficulty in a business environment it’s often the role of the boss or the bosses to dive down deeper into the business than they were before.

The ‘passive income’ vision of the entrepreneurial boss who sits back and watches other people make them money is slung out of the window when it becomes ‘all hands to the pump’ in a crisis.

The secret here though is that everybody holds a role of leadership in some form or another within their life and if you do it’s time to come back down the pole.

The mother or father who organises their children’s education from a distance now find themselves organising it on a day-to-day basis at home.

The entrepreneurial boss who’s managed to work 20 hours per week now find they’re working 60 hours per week.

Previously I had this wonderful system where I could ask people to get stuff into the Practice for me to have my lunch and someone else usually washed the dishes (completely lazy), today I find myself going around Morrison's and the coming into the Clinic to empty the dishwasher and wash the dishes.

I’ve cleaned the toilets, mopped the floors, hung the pictures on the wall and many other things in my reduction down into the heart of the business.

See this as a bad thing or see this as a good thing, it’s up to you but it is a thing.

Perhaps those who dive back into the business as one of the troops that work as hard as they can can set an example of leadership and willingness to work which will see them well through the other side of whatever this thing is.


Blog Post Number - 2431