The Campbell Academy Blog


Written by Colin Campbell | 08/10/21 17:00

The slow and inexorable process by which the accumulation of information assimilates itself into your brain from learning experiences is more like water lapping against the wall than it is of a tsunami. 

It’s Thursday now as I write this and the ITI Congress ended on Saturday evening. 

One of the joys of this is that there was 12 of us from The Clinic at the ITI Congress, each one with an entirely different perspective but each perspective is as valuable as the other. 

We’re sharing information all the time, of conversations had and lectures attended and lectures presented and connections made. 

It’s not like we turned up on Monday and The Clinic was entirely different to the one we left the previous Wednesday. 

It’s that by the time the next Congress comes, the waves that it created lapping against the wall will have made a mark (for the better) and we will be in a better place. 

Many, many people attend educational events in the hope that it will return the investment as quickly as possible. 

We see that in things like aesthetic dentistry and composite courses and short-term orthodontic courses etc. 

Understanding how to tie a suture or to hold a scalpel is a skill that will pay dividends for the rest of your clinical career. 

Attending a congress which sends you in a better, more exciting and more innovative direction (all be it slowly) is a gift with lifetime value that is rarely ever properly understood. 


Blog Post Number - 2880