The Campbell Academy Blog

Breaking the status link

Written by Colin Campbell | 30/03/21 17:00

Everyone is locked up in their own status narrative except for me! 

In my head and in my narrative I'm the only one who can see through the status thing and are therefore unaffected and untouched by the toxic effects of our inherent need to chase status. 

Of course, that is ridiculous as part of my status is in fact trying to prove to myself that I am unaffected by status and therefore elevate myself and a tribe of people who pretend to be unaffected by status to the top of that group, therefore providing me with the status that I require. 

As social animals, status is everything to us and people find their status rewards in so many different areas, in so many aspects of life. 

For some it’s shiny bright objects like cars and jewellery and handbags and watches. 

For others it’s their political views and for others their environmental crusade to save the planet. 

But yet more people its appearance and looks and others it’s intelligence. 

It’s reflected in the music you listen to and the books you read, the magazines you choose, the food you taste and the way you smell. 

In the modern world of hyper-communication, this is now been thrust in our faces and amplified a hundred billion times until the anxiety around status and the inability for us to achieve our status becomes so overwhelming that we forget what we were chasing in the first place. 

It is very few people indeed who are able to withdraw themselves from the status race and stand by the side of the road, watching everyone slam into each other at thousands of mph, trying to get one over or further ahead or to the top of their pile. 

The problem is, there are a billion piles and many people try to occupy more than one pile (some people try to occupy many) failing to understand that even if you were to get close to the top of the pile, it would overwhelm you as other people went past you and the other adjacent piles are usually growing faster than the one you’re on. 

It’s easy to say “I’m not looking” when it comes to someone else who seems to be winning. 

Easy to say, very, very difficult to do. 


Blog Post Number - 2689