The Campbell Academy Blog

Brave enough?

Written by Colin Campbell | 18/09/21 17:00

Bravery is often mistaken with the outcome of an act instead of the process. 

Being brave is making a decision to do something which is uncomfortable or terrible or massively disadvantageous when you have a choice not to do it. 

Bravery is helping someone else at the expense of yourself when you could have walked away in the opposite direction. 

Sometimes bravery is sharing your story even though you’d rather not because you know that sharing your story makes it easier for other people to live a story that is similar to yours. 

Often bravery is asking someone if they are alright and at different times bravery is saying “I’m not alright”! 

Bravery is not standing on the step with a medal on your chest being celebrated, bravery is everything you did and all the choices you made when you had an option to go in a different direction and yet still decided to speak up or speak out or simply help when no one else was looking. 


Blog Post Number - 2860