The Campbell Academy Blog

Before the Show

Written by Colin Campbell | 01/04/18 17:00

Before the show you imagine the heights to which you will rise and the adulation which you will welcome at the end of ‘the performance’.

Every single person in the audience, whoever the audience may be, will admire, adore and agree with what you say or do.

Your clothes will be perfect, you will be perfect, it will be the pinnacle of all that you’ve worked for.

In reality, it’s almost never like that.

What you thought was the show is just something normal. It just pushes the needle a little bit towards the right time after time after time.

If any of us normal people are ever lucky enough to experience, just once in our life, the above we should savour it forever as it’s likely that it will never happen again (in case you didn’t realise, the show is your work, your family, your wedding, your anything).


 Blog post number: 1599