The Campbell Academy Blog

After the fight

Written by Colin Campbell | 22/01/20 18:00

After the fight is always the worst.

Not the heated exchange of trying to get one over on someone else or the physicality, or the boxing match which happens at the side of the road, not the exhilaration shouting at someone from your car in a traffic jam.

The worst bit is afterwards.

The remorse (if you feel any) and the complications that occur as a result of the fight that happened.

In its worst circumstances it effects home and work, it causes paperwork or hours of negative distress.

The real secret and the real bravery is to understand the consequences of the fight and what comes afterwards, either before or as early as possible during this.

De-escalation and walking away from a punch-up is really coward-less, sorting a problem before the plane crashes is usually the best way to save everyone and saving everyone is usually good for you too.


Blog Post Number 2254