The Campbell Academy Blog

A little bit of human

Written by Colin Campbell | 28/01/21 18:00

I think perhaps we all need this book on our desk, the book is called ‘The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse’ and I have only just come across this in the practice as Karen (our Hygienist) bought it for Hayley (our Practice Manager) for her birthday.

I haven’t read every page, but every page is magnificent and beautiful. This is a work of art.

It is a story but a series of quotes about a conversation between a horse, a boy, a fox, and a mole as they travel.

It’s not an exaggeration that you can open it at almost any page and if you are at all human; it would make you cry with joy and with love and with regret and with remembering who you could have been.

As I write this, I open it at a random page and there is a sketch drawing of the horse with its head against the boy’s head and the line is this “asking for help isn’t giving up” said the horse “it’s refusing to give up”. One of the recommendations for the book on the outside back page is by someone called Elizabeth Gilbert (I don’t know her), the recommendation is ‘the world that I am required to inhabit is this one. But the world I long to inhabit is the one that Charlie Mackesy has created.’

There are also recommendations from Richard Curtis and Bear Grylls.

I think that everybody needs to have this on their desk or beside their bed.

I will buy it as a present for people going forwards forever and I will keep copies in the practice to give away.

It’s so special because it’s a little bit of human.

When you read the pages, it makes you feel human and it makes you want to be human and it makes you want to give humanity as a gift.

What the world needs right now is a little bit more humanity.


Blog Post Number - 2628