The Campbell Academy Blog

A has-been would-be

Written by Colin Campbell | 06/04/24 17:00

I swam in the pool yesterday morning and thought I was quick, but I was only quick relative to what I understand is now normal (very slow).

That's because I am a has-been would-be triathlete.

I always described myself as a would-be triathlete, but now I am no longer a would-be triathlete (you can't be a triathlete if you can't run). 

And so now I am a has-been but not a has-been triathlete because I never really made it as a triathlete; I was a would-be triathlete, so now I am a has-been would-be.

The benefit of becoming whatever that thing is is wisdom (Apparently), and wisdom is understanding your levels of extreme incompetence in almost everything you do.

There was a time as a younger man when my ego would have crushed me in the realisation of this type of thing, but it doesn't happen like that now.

When you understand where your deficiencies lie, you can look at other people who are so much better than you and really appreciate what it took for them to get there for the sacrifice they made and continue to make to stay so far ahead of the game.

It's nice to be old and experienced with a significant understanding of the deficiencies that you have, it allows you the opportunity to applaud other people and to revel in their brilliance.

That is a really wonderful place to be, much better than the young 30-year-old Alpha that I used to be thinking that I could be better than everybody else and never, ever achieving that in anything.


Blog Post Number - 3769