The Campbell Academy Blog

A glimmer of light

Written by Colin Campbell | 05/06/20 17:00

So, I hear, from what I am certain is a very reliable source that NHS England sold hundreds of thousands of 3M FFP2 face masks to Dental Supply companies yesterday. 

These are due to arrive today.

These are 3M masks which can be fit tested and will allow the resumption of some form of normal dentistry over the next short period depending upon the availability of fit testers to be able to provide the service to Practices and also assuming that the masks fit the individuals.

So without going into too much detail because it’s not right for me to give that (but I do have this on good authority), one of the supply companies in question, Wrights, decided to take the masks and effectively sell them at the most competitive price they possibly could to help get dentistry going again. 

Wrights have taken the position that the best thing they can do as a dental supply company in the current market is to get dentistry going again and to help as much as possible.

We started working with Wrights in terms of The Academy and also as the account for the Clinic some time ago and we did so because we felt that their values were lined with ours and that we were both trying to head in the same direction.

It would appear that this was a correct decision and it would appear that it was right (no pun intended).

And so hopefully the other companies will follow suit and understand that their business model is not one in which to try to extract as much profit as possible for selling PPE which is actually not really required to Dentists who cannot get going because they’re in financial crisis and design a model which supports them as much as possible in getting back to work to buy the products which actually provide proper treatment for patients.

I hope this is true (I am pretty sure it is).

Just a little ray of light in humanity, well done Wrights!


Blog Post Number - 2390