The Campbell Academy Blog

A design project

Written by Colin Campbell | 18/10/20 17:00


“Instead of wondering where your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don’t need to escape from” – Seth Godin

I know I write about Seth Godin a lot but he does inspire me.

I remember when he talked in an interview about where that quote came from when he was answering some emails and doing a little bit of work while he was on holiday with his family for 1 hour at the breakfast table after they had left to go to the pool.

Two old ladies were calling him for being a bad dad and not looking after his family and he tried to explain to them that in his world there is no real definition between work and family and love.

Maybe this winter is the time for us to do something different.

Maybe this winter is the time for us to break the paradigm and move away from the norm of working ourselves to death in something that we don’t get a lot out of and imagining that ‘it will be alright by Christmas’.

If you’re looking to go back to the way it was; it won’t be alright this Christmas.

If you take the opportunity to break things down, build up the good and throw away the bad, it might be a lot better.

I’m no fussed about holidays and holidays missed, I like to see new places and meet new people but that can be walking down by the river with my dog and talking to someone who I haven’t met before or taking a different turn on my bike.

I’ve had some wonderful times on holiday, and I’ve had some wonderful times at home.

I think one of the things that will come out of the pandemic for me is that the edges between work and life will become even more blurred and the things I don’t like in life away from work will decrease and the things I don’t like at work will decrease and then I wont be running away needing a vacation.


Blog Post Number - 2526