The Campbell Academy Blog

5 seconds

Written by Colin Campbell | 13/07/17 17:00

Here is an edited clip of a TED talk by Mel Robbins (isn’t it terrible now that 18 minute TED talks seem too long).

When I sat down to do my emails on Monday 10th July I had the choice to look at an email sent by Tom (our amazing Academy manager) that included the above video or other emails from other people external to my work and business. I had 111 emails to answer. One of the first things I went to was the clip.

The clip itself is fantastic because it reiterates the Seth Godin concept of ‘ship it’. Seth Godin talks about the ‘lizard brain’ as the thing that stops you moving forwards and convinces you away from doing work that matters. The 5 seconds rule is just an extension of that.

The more important thing to me on Monday 10th July was which email would I choose to look at first when I was at my best? Should I look at something externally from someone else who is asking me to consider a new idea or a new project (I already have many amazing things going on) or should I engage with an idea sent to me from one of my most valuable team members?

It’s great to look wider and into the distance but it’s even better to be on exactly the same wavelength as the people that you work with. People whom you can have conversations, interactions and personal attention. Tom and I will re visit the 5 seconds rule again I’m sure and we will probably introduce it to the business course next year; the whole process is actually quite extraordinary. Do you see what happened here? Someone who works for me taught me how to be better and immediately after watching the TED talk, within 5 seconds I dictated this blog.

So the rules from this are as follows:

• Your people first (whoever they might be)
• Important things before urgent things

Blog Post Number - 1340