The Campbell Academy Blog

2000 UP (part 2)

Written by Colin Campbell | 09/05/19 17:00

In the midst of all the madness of the last few weeks in getting together for the Launch Night. It would be easy to forget that I wanted to celebrate (a tiny little bit) on Wednesday evening for my 2000th blog publication.

Perhaps at any other time, this would have been a massive affair and I think at one point I thought I might of held an evening of people at the riverbank and just do something cool to celebrate that I managed to get to 2000, but we did the celebration last week and it’s time to get on with work.

What I did want to do though, was use this as a point to reflect and whether its worth spending all the time and all the effort on continuing to write a blog, and what the reasons for doing it are, so, to start with as I’ve done before, here is what I wrote about in 2011 about why I wrote a blog and that was right at the start, you can read it here.

In case you couldn’t be bothered to clicking the link, the 10 reasons I thought about in October 2011, as I read back to that now, I’m glad, and I think I’m glad that I've stuck to what I said, as I have said many times in these pages, I write the blog for me, as a diary, to see where I was and what it felt like.

It’s a stream of consciousness, which has been almost un-interrupted through that time and is charted the highs and lows of what has happened.

When they don’t let me do this any more, or my health stops me, I will go back and read every single word, probably time and time again, but it’s interesting to look at how things have changed and in part 1 of 3 parts here, I’m going to look at the personal things.

This is not the only diary that I write, I also write one to myself, (nobody gets to see that, and it’s unlikely that anybody ever will) but reading back through the pages of that (is it electronic and I never write everyday not even every month).

Back then I was a few weeks short of my 40th Birthday and I had just fallen down a flight of stairs in Cornwall, busting my ankle and knocking me out of my first ever attempted Ironman triathlon.

Oh, how things have changed and the places I have gone!

I still ate secret chocolate all the time and got too fat and I still work too hard, I wondered how the hell I was going to make it through the next little step, phase of work, how things don’t change…

I had decided that I would look like a cyclist by the next time I raced with my friends in Scotland, and it turned out I’ve never raced with my friends in Scotland again, nor have ever looked like a cyclist, but I did probably get the closest I’ve been in October last year, so that took me 7 years!!

 I wrote at that time about the people I worked with and what the team looked like, and every one of them except my former partner, who is still with me, and they a thousand and a million times better and stronger and brighter than they were then, but the over-riding thing that seems to have changed in the past 8 years is nothing. It seemed hard then, to get things done and to get through things and it seems hard now, it seemed that the mountains you climbed were too steep, but I just still had to climb it, it seems like that now, I guess the only thing that’s different is that it’s like looking back down the mountain, a long, long way down, it’s only taken the time to step aside 8 years later, I’d realised that I’ve climbed at least something.

Happy 2000th to me!

Blog Post Number - 2001