The Campbell Academy Blog

12 Days of Christmas Part 5 - The ITI (International Team for Implantology)

Written by Colin Campbell | 29/12/19 18:00

I wanted to talk to you about the things that have changed my life and made things better in this little series of 12 blogs, called 12 Days of Christmas.

The rest of the blogs are here. Click on the link if you would like to see what else I have been writing about.

One of the things that has changed my life professionally the most, was discovering and joining the ITI.

I was into the ITI pretty early on and became a Fellow, way, way back in the early 2000’s.

I was introduced by some senior guys who are now great friends of mine to an organisation which, on the haul, is entirely inclusive and developed of everyone involved.

It is a worldwide non-profit making foundation based on education, research and development.

I was privileged enough in 2011 to sit on the leadership team of the UK section for a few years and it was one of the highlights of my career.

Sadly, I had to give that up due to excessive commitment, but I have kept closely in touch and I am involved at a section level for the ITI and I am very proud to be.

If you are an experienced implant clinician, it will give you a network of people who you can talk to who is at the same level as you.

If you are in-experienced it is invaluable with the people that you are able to meet to help you make your career long.

It produces some of the most extraordinary guidance and textbooks in implant dentistry and although you can criticise any origination for their beliefs, or their culture (and you could for the ITI if you wanted) it is about as good as it gets for a professional organisation, in my opinion.

The website is here, why not hit it and have a look.

They have an online academy, a network of study clubs, which are free for members (over 40 in the United Kingdom) and all sorts of other cool stuff, if you are into implants or are getting into implants you need to have a look.

Blog Post Number - 2231